Sunday, November 8, 2009



Rasulullah SAW bersabda yg bermaksud:

"tiada lurus iman seorang hamba sehingga lurus hatinya, dan tiada lurus hatinya sehingga lurus lidahnya
[riwayat Ahmad]

Rasulullah SAW bersabda:

"jauhilah segala yg haram, nescaya kamu menjadi orang yang paling khusyuk beribadah. Redhalah dgn pembahagian rezeki Allah kepadamu nescaya kamu menjadi org yg paling kaya. berperilakulah yg baik nescaya kamu termasuk orang Mukmin. cintailah orang lain pada hal-hal yang kamu cintai bagi diri kamu sendiri, nescaya kamu tergolong orang muslim, dan janganlah terlalu banyak ketawa, sesungguhnya terlalu banyak ketawa itu mematikan hati"
[riwayat Ahmad dan al-Tirmizi]


Rasulullah SAW apabila menghadapi suatu dilema, baginda solat.
[riwayat Ahmad Ibn Hambal]

Friday, November 6, 2009


i was sitting quietly in a lecture given by Dr LMP..

and he was telling us about diabetes control...

till he showed us one slide... regarding levels of worries in male and patients for a few diabetes complications... a research done by i dunno who.... anyway, in all complications, all showed that women are more worried than men...

then, a friend of mine, Ronald asked me... "why women are more worried than men?"

and i spontaneously answered, " that's because women think a lot!"

then, he replied me... "so u r saying men do not think much? men also have loads of thing to think"

and i said, " men only think whenever they have to think!" ;p

LOL.. no offense.. it was juz spontaneous answers from me :D afterall, u kacau me from concentrating! ehehe... ~padahal, i was about to fall asleep, with nice weather on that day, plus it was after lunch.. :p~