ermmm...Miss Grace, she didnt want to discuss about breast cancer with us, coz we can actually read it from the book... in fact, we've learnt it in phase I... n yeah, she's right... instead, she talked about sumthing more interesting.. sumthing that we wont easily get it from the book.... we discussed about paliative care.... (",) and we all talked about the cost that the patient need to pay.... and we did compare the cost in government hospitals and the private hospitals....
and..... she asked us... "how much do u think the OXYGEN supply in this hospital will cost? and how about the private hospital?" aha! this is the point that i wanna stress on...!!! tak kisah la how much is the government or the private hospitals charge for the oxygen supply.... yg pentingnya... sy nak mengajak kawan2 semua memikirkan perkara nih.... di hospital, kita di charge... tetapi terfikirkah kita, orang2 biasa, yg x sakit nih, yg tiap2 hari, tiap2 jam, tiap2 minit, tiap2 saat... kita sedang menghirup OXYGEN!!!!!!!! Oksigen... nikmat yg ALLAH bagi pd semua makhluknya di muka bumi nih... dan ia diberi secara FREE!!!! i repeat, FREE!!! setiap detik kita guna... langsung x payah bayar,x perlu keluarkan duit even satu sen pun utk oxygen yg kita hirup setiap ari nih... x mcm di hospital... ermm... skrg cuba tanya diri sdri, pernah x kita sedar dgn nikmat ALLAH ini??? pernah x kita bersyukur kpd ALLAH atas oxygen yg membenarkan kita utk terus hidup, menjalankan aktiviti2 harian kita?? renung2kan lah.... takkan nak tunggu kena shortness of breath (SOB) dulu [or in malay terms sesak nafas], smp kena pakai oxygen supply dr tank tuh baru nak menyedari ttg nikmat ALLAH ni???
fikirkanlah.... itulah.. org cakap, sakit tuh nikmat.. :D ini adalah salah satu nikmatnye kot... utk buat kita sedar ttg nikmat2 ALLAH yg x pernah kita nak appreciate selama nih... setuju tak??? :)
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Ada DUA jenis nikmat yg banyak melekakan ramai manusia, iaitu nikmat sihat dan nikmat lapang.
[hadis riwayat Bukhari]
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