Wednesday, December 10, 2008

unexpected 'gift'

i was having my lunch at IMU canteen last week... and suddenly KY came, and showed me a blue paper, printed "Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM)" on it...

i was like... huh??? wut's this??? and KY didnt say a word to me but juz passed me the 'paper'...

it was sumthing like a file actually... and i opened it... and here wut it was:

a certificate! from JAKIM as a token of appreciation for my involvement in SUNATHON 2008 recently.... seriously, it was an unexpected 'gift'!

nway, to have the sijil (which was sumthing that i never expected) is something, but most importantly, the experience that i had is the thing that i treasured most! :)

and weeks later after sunathon, zaquan had passed me some pics taken throughout the event... so here is the big team that we had on that day!

IMU students with doctors, and the sponsors.. (not in pic: Prof AL and CUCMS students, and a few freshly grad IMU docs)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

gambar aku ader skali....yeay!!!