Thursday, January 31, 2008


ermm... ari ni last day ke PD.. owh.. mmg sedih keadaan di PD... x byk medical cases kali nih... tp byk sggh surgical cases... masa dulu surgical posting, when we dropped by to the wards everything we went to PD for our OT (operation Theatre) or SOPD (surgery outpatient department), susah nak cari cases.. hohoho..

ermmm.. but for this week, i think i see more patients or patients' relatives who expressed their emotions...

case 1:

i clerked a patient who came in due to hypoglycemic attack... ermm...dlm duk clerking, she told me. "rasa sebak bile ingat kata2 ayah dulu... 'ko keje kuat sgt.. laki duk umah rehat je'... hhmmm...

case 2:

i was looking at a patient's case notes who presented with shortness of breath, cause: bronchial asthma... and masa tuh, dia duk cite kat 2 other clinical teachers ( nurses course) pasal her husband.. that she was very hurt with wut her husband did to her... buat ape?? i'm not so sure la... her husband is from PD, and she said that becoz of her husband, she was saying PD people are bad... itu yg the clinical teachers tuh duk nasihat dia... "jgn pk camtu.. sabar! klu makcik ckp camtu, makcik x suka kami jgk la... kami pun org PD"

case 3:

while i was walking around to look for cases to clerk, i saw a mother of a patient started to cry... and i went close to her to ask bout her condition... and she started to cry even more.. n she remained silent for a while, b4 she said to me, " kenapa semua laki kejam? ayah dia seksa makcik, suami dia pun buat bende yg sama kat dia..." and that makcik even showed me a sms from her ex-son-in-law, saying that he had divorced her daughter... so i started la to ask bout her daughter's problem... rupenya she's still young... 18... and married juz after she began her studies at one of the colleges in seremban... if i were to count till this month, they only married for 6 months... and that makcik told me... "dia sayang sgt husband dia.. tiap kali balik, mesti cite benda2 bagus psl husband die... n dia marah klu ckp perkara2 buruk psl husband dia.."

the makcik even told me, the husband left her at Terminal One... and this poor girl walked on her foot! back to their house in Port Dickson!!! and walked back again to terminal after found out her husband was not at home...(and house was locked nway) ~juz imagine la, we drive from IMU to PD pun guna highway is about +/- 40 km.... and takes about half an hour...~ and very unfortunate for this girl, dah la kena tinggal, and the husband hold her IC and all her money... sbb tu she had no money to take bus or taxi...

and makcik nih teruskan lagi cite, she said, her own husband left house when this gurl (last child) aged around 10 to marry another woman...(then pastu trus x amik tau condition makcik ni skeluarga) and she claimed that maybe becoz her last child didnt feel the love or get attention from a father, making her to be like this... yela, perempuan, when she never felt being loved by sumone, and tibe2 jumpa sumone yg sudi curahkan kasih sayang pd dia, she will love that person very very much! with all her heart.... (seriously! no kidding...)

ermm...ntahla... i felt very sorry ngan this makcik... she said she can accept when things happen to her.. but when it happened to her daughter, she felt very2 sad...

case 4:

juz before i left PD hosp today, i went to visit a pakcik.. who was been for quite sumtimes... he was admitted due to ESRF (end stage renal failure) plus other diseases too... yela, dgn hajat, i wish to see how they do the peritoneal dialysis (he is temporarily on it), tp xdela plak ms pg tuh... and bile bertanya kabar bout pakcik dr his wife, tanpa diminta makcik ceritakan condition nya, yg terpaksa ke hulu ke hilir utk mencari tempat for her husband... tmpt utk buat hemodialysis... she n family have been working on it for almost 7 months, tp xde hasil... n apa yg buatka this makcik sedih was, apb org2 tertentu buat dia and pakcik spt bola.. kejap kata ada tempat, kejap kate xde... even makcik dah bayar sket for the place... she did cry td... huhuhu.. kesian... and apa boleh ku buat, juz nasihatkan makcik juz be patience... dugaan ALLAH ni... and i advised her, mintak la tolong anak2...


ntah la... i mmg jadi sedih, haru bila fikir pasal makcik2 or pakcik2 yg dah tua, and still struggle for life... huhuhu... to me, at their age, patut duk umah relaks2 n biarlah anak aje yg tolong buat semua... dah mereka jaga kita for YEARS, kenapa skrg kita x bleh jaga mereka??? walau susah mana pun kita... ibu bapa kene ingat... klu seorg ibu, seorg ayah bleh jaga sepuluh org anak, knp 10 org anak x dpt nk jaga seorg ibu dan seorg ayah???

Dan Kami perintahkan kepada manusia (berbuat baik) kepada dua orang ibu- bapanya; ibunya telah mengandungnya dalam keadaan lemah yang bertambah- tambah, dan menyapihnya dalam dua tahun. Bersyukurlah kepadaKu dan kepada dua orang ibu bapakmu, hanya kepadaKulah engkau kembali.

huh... cite psl case 4 ni, teringat kat mak ayah kat umah... bila la azi plak bleh take over to jaga the family??? this year, my dad genap 56 years old... meaning, akan retired soon... tp anak2 sorg pun xde lg yg dpt support family.. huhuhu... adik2 kecil yg sekolah, ada lg 3... hoho... camne tuh??? [supposedly umur cam my dad n mom nih, patut dah ade anak umur 30.. but unfortunately, my mom's first pregnancy, miscarriage... then, mengandung n deliver, but my late twin brothers meninggal lak.. due to premature delivery... (klu x, patut umur 31 skrg) pastu my arwah kakak, passed away at 17 years old due to congenital heart disease... medic students, you will know wut tetralogy of fallot is, rite??? hah..tula penyakit arwah... ermm...klu tak, now dah umur 29...]

hhmm... doakan la azi akan pass medic school ni without repeating any sem... seriously, i'm praying that i'll finish my study in another 2 years.. insyaAllah... n hopefully pastu i can help to financially support my family...

itula.. sedikit kisah2 patients di hosp port dickson... asam garam hidup nih... hidup x sentiasa indah... ada masa kita di atas, ada masa kita di bawah... ada masa org hargai and respect kita, ada masa org x pandang kita langsung.. ada masa kita hidup senang, ada masa kita hidup susah.. and semua tuh adalah ketentuan ALLAH... dan ALLAH x turunkan setiap ujian itu pada kita kecuali ada hikmah2 di sebaliknya... mgkn bukan di dunia, tetapi di akhirat! bygkan la... drp sikap2 sabar, kerja keras makcik2 di atas dlm menghadapi their very own situations, dapat mendatangkan berlipat kali ganda pahala yg mana kita tak nampak! masyaAllah kan....

apapun, sebagai Muslim, kita beriman kepada Pencipta... jadi setiap kali ada masalah, jgnla hadapinya dgn mengikut emosi... tetapi hadapinya dgn hikmah! yg penting, ingatlah utk meminta pertolongan drp ALLAH sblm kita berusaha dgn meminta pertolongan drp org lain!!! wallahu'alam...

k, signing out! :D

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